Reserved words
Reserved words in events, forms, items, functions, and variables
To avoid data conflicts, there are some reserved words that you need to avoid when naming forms, items, functions, and variables in Viedoc. Such a conflict can occur, for example, when executing functions in Viedoc, when exporting data from Viedoc, or when analyzing your data in SAS, and it might lead to unwanted behavior or even errors.
Forms and items
The following are Viedoc's internal JavaScript functions, so they should not be used as form or item OIDs:
addDays |
age |
bmi |
createRangeValue |
date |
days |
getDecimalCount |
getRangeValue |
getRangeValueFormattedNumber |
hours |
inRange |
minute |
now |
parseDate |
parseRangeValue |
parseTime |
subDays |
time |
today |
Note! There is a set of reserved words for the SAS macro facility. If you intend to use that facility, avoid these words in your Viedoc forms and item identifiers.
Form identifiers
Avoid these words in form names:
CodeLists |
Event dates |
Items |
Queries |
Review status |
WHODrug * |
* or any other medical coding dictionary name, such as MedDRA
or ATC
Note! If you need to analyze your data using SAS, there are some reserved words that you need to avoid in your Viedoc form identifiers. These identifiers are used as data set names in SAS.
Avoid the following when naming items:
__ARID |
__format |
__SDV |
ActivityId |
ActivityName |
DesignVersion |
EventDate |
EventId |
EventName |
EventSeq |
InitiatedBy |
InitiatedDate |
LastEditedBy |
LastEditedDate |
SiteCode |
SiteName |
SiteSeq |
SubjectId |
SubjectSeq |
- When exporting data from Viedoc to Excel or CSV format, Viedoc automatically creates extra fields for the codes in all code list items. The field identifiers are created by appending
to the original item name. Therefore, it is not recommended to give your Viedoc items IDs ending withCD
. - Data for code list items, for example radio buttons, drop-down menus, and checkboxes, have an applied format when exported to SAS. Thus, when naming code list IDs, values, and formats, it is important to follow the SAS conventions for format naming. For example, none of these should contain values with dashes.
is a reserved word, using this in a form for example labels or IDs, or for the internal design description as a stand-alone word will result in an exported annotated/blank CRF which does not contain any form elements. However, if using the labelwatch
as part of a longer text, or usingWatch
(with the initial letter caplitalized), the exported annotated/blank CRF will contain the form elements.- If you are using SAS for data analysis, checkboxes in Viedoc should not have options with negative code list values (for example -1). Viedoc converts the options for checkboxes into variable names for SAS, and SAS does not allow dashes in variable names.
Items and functions
Avoid using JavaScript keywords in item IDs and functions.
Item OIDs and variable names in functions
Do not use the following as item OIDs or as variable names in functions:
ActivityDefId |
Category |
CountryCode |
EventDate |
FormDefId |
FormId |
FormRepeatKey |
Language |
OriginSubjectFormSeqNo |
RoleDefId |
SiteCode |
SiteSubjectSeqNo |
SourceSubjectFormSeqNo |
StudyEventDefId |
StudyEventId |
StudyEventName |
StudyEventRepeatKey |
StudyEventType |
StudyId |
StudySiteId |
StudySubjectSeqNo |
SubjectFormSeqNo |
SubjectId |
SubjectKey |
Events, forms, and items
Avoid the following when naming events, forms, and items:
Limits to ID names
When naming IDs and labels, the following limits apply:
Form ID | 33 characters |
Form name | no limitation, however esthetical considerations should be considered |
Activity ID | truncated at 32 characters |
Activity name | no limitation, however esthetical considerations should be considered |
Event ID | truncated at 32 characters |
Event name | no limitation, however esthetical considerations should be considered |
Windows naming conventions
In Microsoft Windows, there is a number of reserved file names. Do not use them as dataset names in Viedoc as they could create issues when attempting to open them in Windows or SAS.