本课将教您如何在Viedoc Admin中配置一个静态随机。
About the randomization service
Viedoc offers support for randomization. Subjects can be randomized using:
- static randomization: randomization based on a randomized list,
- dynamic randomization (Pocock and Simon): randomization based on an algorithm.
Dynamic randomization ensures a more even distribution of subjects across the treatment groups, with regard to prognostic factors that might influence the effect of treatment on the subjects.
The randomization in Viedoc is configured in a similar way for static and dynamic randomization. The main difference is that for static randomization, a list with outcomes (randomization numbers, treatment groups, and so on) - the randomization list - is created and uploaded by the user, while for dynamic randomization, an algorithm is used to assign subjects to a treatment group and the randomization list is created by the system.
It is possible to upload a separate allocation list that allocates an Investigational Product (IP) to the subject. When the subject is randomized, Viedoc informs the clinic user which IP should be given to the subject. The allocation list is most commonly used in double-blind studies. Uploading of the allocation list is done in a similar way for static and dynamic randomization.
Term | Definition |
RTSM | Randomization and Trial Supply Management. |
Blinded role | A role that does not know which treatment the subject is receiving. Most roles in a clinical trial should be blinded. |
Unblinded Statistician |
A system role that can configure the randomization in Viedoc Admin. The Unblinded Statistician sees which subjects are assigned to which treatments, and should therefore not have any role in the study where he/she should not know this information. An Unblinded Statistician can never again work in a blinded role within that study. |
Randomization list | A list for allocating subjects to treatments or groups. The randomization list shows all available slots in the randomization. When randomization has started (that is, when the first subject has been randomized), the randomization list also shows which subjects have been assigned to which treatment or group. |
Allocation list | A list for allocating IP to subjects. The allocation list shows all available IPs. When randomization has started, the allocation list also shows which IPs have been assigned to which subjects. Advanced allocation can be set up and for this there are two options for the allocation list(s):
Scope |
Defines the scope from which a randomization slot or an IP should be selected. One of the following scopes can be chosen:
Factor (Prognostic factor) |
Items that might influence the effect of treatment on the subjects, and that are to be used as input when randomizing the subject. For example sex or age. Viedoc supports the use of drop-down lists, radio buttons, integer and free text data types as input items. |
Outcome | Items to be populated by the randomization service, for example treatment group. |
Blinded outcome | Items to be populated by the randomization service, that should remain blinded until after the subject has been unblinded or emergency unblinded for a specific subject. These items will not be visible for any user in the system, except for the Unblinded Statistician who can see them in Viedoc Admin, or until an emergency unblinding was performed (for details on how the emergency unblinding is performed in Viedoc Clinic, see Randomization, allocation and emergency unblinding). |
Randomizations are configured in Viedoc Designer and Viedoc Admin, and executed in Viedoc Clinic. The schematic below depicts what different steps need to be taken, and which roles have permission to perform these steps, depending on the allocation configuration type as described below:
- Randomization, optionally together with allocation performed at the same time as the randomization within the same form. In this case the form is locked (and therefore not possible to be edited) after the randomization is performed in Viedoc Clinic.
The configuration workflow in this case looks as illustrated in the following image:
- Randomization, optionally together with advanced allocation allows you to set up the allocation in a more flexible way, including:
- Configuring individual forms for randomization and allocation, to keep the two steps separated in the study workflow
- The possibility to perform multiple allocations at different visits during the study
- The possibility to replace an already performed allocation with a new allocation
- The possibility to undo an already performed allocation
The configuration workflow in this case looks as illustrated in the following image:
This is a single-sourced file that should have the following content:
Introduction to randomization
- 在Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings
- 在Viedoc Admin中的配置一个静态随机(本课!)
- 在Viedoc Admin中的配置一个动态随机
Viedoc Admin中的静态随机
当随机映射在从Viedoc Designer中配置完,非盲统计师就能看到RTSM出现。当您点击RTSM旁的工具图标,您可看到对话框弹出,可完成以下操作:
1. 选择分配列表的类型:
- 单独的分配列表 - 研究中的每个随机列表都有单独的分配列表。
- 通用分配列表 - 一个通用分配列表用于研究中所有的随机。
请注意! 如果您要启用药物物流系统,必须选择通用分配列表。
2. 查看您研究中的随机表。
3. 点开随机页面并可查看随机的信息。

4. 查看因素及其代码列表。
5. 查看结果和盲态结果及其代码列表。
- 随机表的范围有以下几个选项:
- 研究
- 国家
- 中心
请注意! 若您选择了国家或者研究中心,那么每个国家和中心创建的时候,随机列表也会相应创建。在这种情况下,您不可分别将国家或中心作为因素。
- 因素 - 只有您在Viedoc Designer中开启了高级分配功能(请查看Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings),因素才会自动从Viedoc Designer中映射过来。
- 结果 - 只有您在Viedoc Designer中开启了高级分配功能(请查看Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings),结果才会自动从Viedoc Designer中映射过来。
7. 可选:设置分配列表通过定义以下:
- 分配列表的范围有以下几个选项:
- 研究
- 国家
- 中心
请注意! 若您选择了国家或者研究中心,您需要对每个国家或中心分别上传分配列表。
- 因素 - 只有您在Viedoc Designer中开启了高级分配功能(请查看Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings),因素才会自动从Viedoc Designer中映射过来。
- 结果 - 只有您在Viedoc Designer中开启了高级分配功能(请查看Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings),结果才会自动从Viedoc Designer中映射过来。
8. 选择随机方法。
9-17. 在研究进入正式前,您可在演示版中上传虚拟的随机和分配列表来测试,只需 (8) 就可在两个环境中切换。
10. 查看不同范围的随机列表:范围(本例子中为研究)和状态 (Active, Inactive 或 Not initiated)。您可在这一栏中上传随机表。上传完成后,您可看到图中11和12。
11. 下载随机列表的模板(Excel)。
12. 查看随机列表。下载后您可看到一个Excel的表,更多关于随机表的信息,请查看随机列表。
13. 编辑随机列表,您有以下两个选项:
- 添加至列表 - 上传一个随机列表(Excel)然后添加至现有的列表。
- 上传一个新列表 - 上传一个随机列表(Excel)把现存的随机列表替换掉。现存的列表将会失效,但这个不会影响已经完成随机的受试者。
14. 查看不同范围的分配列表:范围(本例子中为研究)和状态 (Active, Inactive 或 Not initiated)。您可在这一栏中上传随机表。上传完成后,您可看到图中15和16。
15. 下载分配列表的模板(Excel)。
16. 查看分配列表。下载后您可看到一个Excel的表,更多关于分配表的信息,请查看分配列表。
17. 编辑分配列表,若您选择的是单独的分配列表,那么有以下两个选项:
- 添加至列表 - 上传一个分配列表(Excel)然后添加至现有的列表。
- 上传一个新列表 - 上传一个分配列表(Excel)把现存的分配列表替换掉。现存的列表将会失效,但这个不会影响已经完成分配的受试者。
随机列表的模板是根据您的研究配置所定制的,您只需在随机列表栏中点击下载模板 (图中11)。对于上面图中的例子,下载的模板显示在下方:

随机一旦开始,您可点击随机列表中点击显示(上面图中 12 )。您可下载一个Excel的文档:
- Configuration - 总结因素和结果在随机中的代码列表。
- Current distribution - 当前根据不同因素获得用药组的已随机受试者。
- Slots - 列举所有随机项,因素,结果,以及随机项是否可用。如果随机项已经被使用,那么受试者信息,操作随机的用户信息(邮件地址)和随机日期及时间就会如下图显示。

随机列表的模板是根据您的研究配置所定制的,您只需在分配列表栏中点击下载模板 (图中15)。对于上面图中的例子,下载的模板显示在下方:

该列表会显示因素和结果。变量的ID会显示在第一行,代码列表会在下方的行中显示。每个可能的因素和结果的组合都会显示在下面。变量RANDKITNO (药盒号)是文本格式,所有在分配列表显示为<string>

随机一旦开始,您可点击分配列表中点击显示(上面的图中 16 )。您可下载一个Excel的文档:
- Configuration - 总结因素和结果在随机中的代码列表。
- Current distribution - 当前根据不同因素获得用药组的已随机受试者。
- Slots - 列举所有随机项,因素,结果,以及随机项是否可用。如果随机项已经被使用,那么受试者信息,操作随机的用户信息(邮件地址)和随机日期及时间就会如下图显示。

1 |
在Viedoc Admin中,配置随机只需点击RTSM旁的工具图标。 |
2 |
打开您想要配置的随机。 随机配置将会出现弹窗。该窗口还会显示在Viedoc Desinger中配置的因素和结果。 |
3 |
![]() |
4 |
若您需要使用分配,请勾选分配列表,并选择分配列表的范围,如果在Viedoc Designer中未开启高级分配功能,请也选择因素和结果(比如药盒号)。根据受试者获得的用药组,用药将会被分配给受试者。 |
5 | 在随机方法中选择静态随机。 |
6 |
点击同意设置并生成列表。 |
如果随机列表的状态显示为Not initiated,您需要在开始随机前上传一个有随机项的随机表。
您可在Viedoc Admin中下载随机列表的模板然后创建您想要的随机列表。点击下载模板。

1 |
点击上传。 |
2 |
选择包含随机项的文件点击打开。文件就能上传。 |
1 | 点击工具图标。![]() |
2 |
3 |
选择包含随机项的文件点击打开。文件就能上传。 |
- 单独的分配列表- 研究中的每个随机列表都有单独的分配列表。如果随机列表上传了但是分配列表还没上传,受试者在Viedoc Clinic中可以完成随机只是没有可用的分配项。
- 通用分配列表 - 一个通用分配列表用于研究中所有的随机。通用分配列表启用的前提是在Viedoc Designer中开启高级分配功能。(更多信息请查看Viedoc Designer中的RTSM Settings)。
如果分配列表没有上传或者要使用药物物流时在相应的范围(研究/国家/中心)中没有可用的分配项,当您在Viedoc Clinic中要做分配的操作,系统会显示未发现可分配项。
您可在Viedoc Admin的RTSM设置中操作:

您可在Viedoc Admin中下载Excel格式的模板然后创建您的分配列表。点击下载模板。
1 | 点击上传。![]() |
2 | 选择包含分配项的文件点击打开。文件就能上传。 |