Queries in Excel export
The Queries can be exported to the following export output formats:
- Microsoft Excel - Office Open Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Comma-separated values (CSV)
- Operational Data Model (ODM)
To include the query information in the exported file, you need to select Queries under Type of data in the Data export page. When selecting to include Queries, the Query history option becomes available.

Depending on if the Query history is included in the export or not, the information in the export output file is grouped as follows:
- Without Query history - there is one row for each query, providing information on the current state of the query.
- With Query history - there is one row for each change in a query state, that is, there can be many rows for one and the same query.
In the Excel export output, considering as an example the default settings under Output format:
- Output to Excel
- Group data by form
- 1 row per activity
...the query information is grouped in a separate sheet of the excel file, called Queries.
The columns provide information on the item that the query was raised on, followed by the query specific information, as illustrated in the image (the image shows the query-specific information only) and listed in the following table:
Column name | Description |
Query study sequence number |
Counter that identifies the query globally within the whole study. This field is empty for the Unconfirmed missing data. |
Columns that identify the item | |
Site sequence number | Counter that identifies the site globally within the study. |
Site name | The site name, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Site code | The site code, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Subject sequence number | Counter that identifies the subject within the site. |
Subject Id | The Subject ID, in the format configured in Viedoc Designer. The Subject ID is the subject identifier displayed in Viedoc Clinic on the subject card, subject details page, and so on. |
Event sequence number | Counter that identifies the event within the sequence of events for the same subject. |
Event Id | The event ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Event name | The event name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Event date | The event date, as set in Viedoc Clinic when the event is initiated. |
Activity Id | The activity ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Activity name | The activity name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form Id | The form ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Form name | The form name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form sequence number | Counter that identifies the instance of the respective form within the respective activity. This is used for the repeating forms. For non-repeating forms, this is always "1". |
Item Id | The item ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Item Name | The item name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Query specific information | |
Query item sequence number | Counter that identifies the query within a sequence of queries for the same item. |
Raised on |
Specifies if the query was raised on an item or on the event date:
Query type |
Specifies the query type, depending on how it was raised:
Range check OID | Only for automatically raised item queries (i.e. Query type = Validation and Raised on = Item). The unique Object Identifier (OID) of the edit check that generated the query, as set in Viedoc Designer. |
Query text | The text of the query. |
Query state |
Can be one of the following (see also Query overview):
Note! The queries that were automatically closed due to form reset/delete (with status Query Closed) are not included in the export. |
Query resolution | The resolution text entered when resolving (answering) the query. Not applicable for those changes performed by the system (i.e. User name = System (0)) |
User name | The name of the user who performed the changes, followed by the user ID in parentheses. Note! For those changes performed by the system (such as validation queries, that are automatically raised by the system) the User name = System (0). |
Date & time (UTC) | The date and time when the change was performed. |
User role |
The role of the user who performed the action on the query |
Query raised by role | The role of the user who raised the query |