Subject Id Generation Settings

  • Published by Viedoc System 2023-10-09
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The format for the Subject ID, used to identify a subject within the system, can be configured under Study Settings > Subject ID generation settings:

Note! The Subject Id Generation Settings can only be edited in a new design version (not a revision).

The ID of the subject can be set in various ways.

The Viedoc default configuration consists of the country code followed by the site ID and finally the consecutive subject ID. This can be changed by modifying the contents of the text field:

Any item collected on the form that is selected for the start event in the workflow can also be used when setting up the ID. Click the blue "?" instructions icon for more info.

Note! It is not recommended to use any of the characters that are invalid for a filename in Windows, because the value of the Subject ID is used within the file name of the exported PDF file, when the FDA submission format (eCTD) option is checked, and therefore the export will fail in this particular case.

SiteCode vs. SiteNo

Since any of the SiteCode and SiteNo can be used within the Subject ID, it is important to understand the difference between these two variables before configuring the Subject ID Generation Settings.


The value of the SiteCode variable is the string that is manually set in Viedoc Admin, under Site settings (see Managing study sites).


SiteNo is a system variable automatically generated by the system that uniquely identifies the site within the study. This is the one that comes out in the export output as Site Sequence Number.

Padding with leading zeros

The "0" used in the formats {SiteNo:00}, {SiteSubjectSeqNo:000}, {StudySubjectSeqNo:0000} is for padding those numbers with leading zeros. If the value that is being formatted has a digit in the position where the zero appears in the format string, that digit is copied to the result string; otherwise, a zero appears in the result string. This means that, for example, if we want the SiteSubjectSeqNo to always be formatted as a number with a total length of three digits, then we use {SiteSubjectSeqNo:000} and the values will then be 001, 002, 003 and so on.

The SiteCode can also be padded, but only if it consists exclusively of digits. For example, if the Subject ID format is set to {CountryCode}-{SiteCode:00}-{SiteSubjectSeqNo:000}, and if the CountryCode is set to SE and the SiteCode is set to 1, then the first added subject will be SE-01-001, the second one SE-01-002, and so on. Note that the padding has no effect if the SiteCode is set to be a string containing characters, such as UP2.

Example - add a prefix to the Subject ID

To add for example "SCR" in front of the ID, simply add SCR in the text field: