System requirements

  • Published by Viedoc System 2022-06-16
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Customer computer requirements

Customer computer requirements are defined as capabilities required by the customer computer to use all features of Viedoc with the intended graphical presentation and within guaranteed response times of Viedoc.

Browser requirements

Viedoc supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome, the latest 10 major releases (6-week browser release interval)
  • Firefox, the latest 15 major releases (4-week browser release interval)
  • Edge (Chromium edition), the latest 10 major releases (6-week browser release interval)
  • Safari (MacOS/iOS only), the latest 2 major releases (1-year browser release interval)

For non-compliant browsers you will receive a message on the login page that your browser is not supported.

For Viedoc Designer:

  • Chrome is recommended
  • Allow pop-ups must be enabled

Viedoc does not support the use of private mode browsing in Safari.

The following are required for Viedoc to run in the compatible web browsers:

  • JavaScript
  • Session cookies
  • Local web storage (only required by the main portal of Viedoc 4)

No data is permanently stored on the customer computer. All data stored in session cookies or local web storage is deleted when the browser session is terminated. The only exception to this is the optional persistent cookie used in the main portal of Viedoc 4 to remember if a user chooses to issue a 2FA trust for the browser for 30 days, and thus avoid further second-factor authentication during this period.

Viedoc 3 has no automatic checks enforcing the above requirements. Viedoc 4 checks for, and enforces, browser type and version, and support for JavaScript, local web storage, and session cookies.

Screen resolution

The following screen resolutions are required:

  • Viedoc 3: at least 800x600
  • Viedoc 4: at least 1024x768

Internet connection

Viedoc requires an internet connection of at least 384 kbit/s.

Firewall policy

Viedoc requires an outbound firewall policy allowing encrypted HTTP to be established and communicated to a remote server on port 443 (HTTPS) using Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 or higher.


There are several layers of security built into the platform. Below are some examples:

  • Login attempts - after three failed attempts to enter a correct password, your account is locked. Use the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page to unlock and reset your password. The reset password link must be used within 3 hours from a request. There are restrictions on how many times you can submit a request in 24 hours.
  • Inactivity - if you are inactive for more than 20 minutes, the system automatically logs you out. Inactivity means no activity whatsoever in the application.
  • Two-factor authentication - two-factor authentication is an extra security measure that requires an extra confirmation step at login, in addition to user name and password.
  • Password expiration - the password expiration time depends on the settings for your study. However, the default setting is 90 days. In addition to this, a history of the latest 10 passwords are kept to prevent reusing old passwords.