Review status in Excel export
This lesson describes how the review status information is structured within an Excel file exported from Viedoc.
For general details about data export, see Exporting data.
Review status
Note! When selecting one row per item as Layout, the review status is not included in the export.
In the Excel export output file, there is one separate sheet for the Review status:
The first columns provide information for identifying the form that was reviewed, followed by the review information, as listed in the following table:
Column name | Description |
Columns that identify the form | |
Site sequence number | Counter that identifies the site globally within the study. |
Site name | The site name, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Site code | The site code, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Subject sequence number | Counter that identifies the subject within the site. |
Subject Id | The Subject ID, in the format configured in Viedoc Designer. The Subject ID is the subject identifier displayed in Viedoc Clinic on the subject card, subject details page, and so on. |
Event sequence number | Counter that identifies the event within the sequence of events for the same subject. |
Event Id | The event ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Event name | The event name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Event date | The event date, as set in Viedoc Clinic when the event is initiated. |
Activity Id | The activity ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Activity name | The activity name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form Id | The form ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Form name | The form name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form sequence number |
Counter that identifies the instance of the respective form within the respective activity. This is mostly used for repeating forms. For non-repeating forms, this is 1. If a form is reset and then saved again the new form has sequence number 2, and so on. Form sequence number increases one step every time reset/initiate occurs. |
Review status information | |
Reviewed item |
Can be one of the following:
Clinical review by | User name and user ID of the user that performed the clinical review. |
Clinical review date (UTC) | The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the clinical review was performed |
Data review by | User name and user ID of the user that performed the data review (marked by the DM review flag). |
Data review date (UTC) | The date and time (UTC) when the data review was performed. |
SDV by | User name and user ID of the user that performed the Source Data Verification (SDV) (marked by the SDV review flag). For studies where SDV is performed on item level, this column will contain N/A for items that do not require SDV. |
SDV date (UTC) | The date and time (UTC) when the SDV was performed. For studies where SDV is performed on item level, this column will contain N/A for items that do not require SDV. |
Signed by | User name and user ID of the user that signed the form. |
Signed date (UTC) | The date and time (UTC) when the form was signed by investigator. |
Lock by | User name and user ID of the user that locked the form. |
Lock date (UTC) | The date and time (UTC) when the form was locked. |
If, on the Data Export page, it was selected to include the SDV information, there is one separate sheet for the SDV information in the Excel export output file:

Note! For studies where SDV is performed on item level, this sheet will include only the items that require SDV and are visible to the user.
The first columns provide information for identifying the item that was SDV-ed, followed by the review information, as listed in the following table:
Column name | Description |
Columns that identify the item | |
Site sequence number | Counter that identifies the site globally within the study. |
Site name | The site name, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Site code | The site code, as set in Viedoc Admin. |
Subject sequence number | Counter that identifies the subject within the site. |
Subject Id | The Subject ID, in the format configured in Viedoc Designer. The Subject ID is the subject identifier displayed in Viedoc Clinic on the subject card, subject details page, and so on. |
Event sequence number | Counter that identifies the event within the sequence of events for the same subject. |
Event Id | The event ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Event name | The event name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Event date | The event date, as set in Viedoc Clinic when the event is initiated. |
Activity Id | The activity ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Activity name | The activity name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form Id | The form ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer). |
Form name | The form name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
Form sequence number |
Counter that identifies the instance of the respective form within the respective activity. This is mostly used for repeating forms. For non-repeating forms, this is 1. If a form is reset and then saved again the new form has sequence number 2, and so on. Form sequence number increases one step every time reset/initiate occurs. |
Item ID | The item ID, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) |
Item name | The item name, as set in the study design (in Viedoc Designer) and displayed in Viedoc Clinic. |
SDV information | |
Reviewed item |
Can be one of the following:
SDV by | User name and user ID of the user that performed the SDV. |
SDV date (UTC) | The date and time (UTC) when the SDV was performed. |