Adverse Events
The Adverse Events page provides metrics over the adverse events (AE) in the study. Here you can see up to six plots with distribution on different variables according to your study design. The last plot shows the number of AE per site.

You can hover over a bar to see the exact value:

You can see more information about the tools here.
AE per site
The last plot shows the number of AE per site. Each bar reflects a site, identified with the site ID.
Hover over a bar to display the site ID, the site name, and the number of AE at the site.

Selecting a variable
You can click on one of the variables to arrange all other plots according to this variable. The variable must be non-numeric. Simply click on the plot you're interested in. For example, clicking the Serious plot arranges all plots by this variable:

Note that all plot titles are renamed with the additional title (by Serious). Click again on the same plot to go back to the previous view, or click on another plot to arrange all other plots accordingly.